I hope this letter finds you well.

Literaria Education Foundation for the Blind (LEFB), is dedicated to making knowledge accessible to blind and visually impaired students by removing accessibility barriers.

At LEFB, we are currently working to remove reading hurdles by making audio books and converting printed materials into computer-readable text. We believe that every student deserves access to quality education, regardless of their visual abilities.

One of the most interesting things about our activities is that we do not collect donations for these arrangements. While some of our so-called “realistic” friends believed that it was foolish and impossible to work without collecting donations, we had a firm belief that we could contact skilled people in the country and ask for their willingness to join our team. We thought that if we could get the skills of the skilled people, we would not need money at all. Time has proved that this idea really works, and the people who were able to make recordings volunteered themselves to record books, while those with IT skills started helping us with sound editing, etc.

We hope to become a sizable online resource center for the blind very soon, with the grace of Allah Almighty. We also invite you to join us in this noble cause. Another interesting thing about our team members is that there is no time restriction on them. If somebody is quite busy and can only give 30 minutes per week, they are also welcome to join. It would be a great pleasure for us if you could start recording in your own voice, but if you are too busy to give even 30 minutes per week, you can help by arranging volunteers for this purpose.

We do not claim that we will change the world, but we do believe that we can play a minor role that can cause significant improvement in society. We are sure that you will also join this noble cause and bring light into the lives of the blind.

Best regards,
Dr. Fayyaz Hussain,
Founder and Managing Director,
Literaria Education Foundation for the Blind

WhatsApp 03004289575